Starting a compensation cycle in Pequity is easy! After you have worked with Pequity's implementation team to ensure your cycle data is accurate, you will be ready to start the cycle.
Here's how your team can begin planning 🎉
- As a company admin, login to your Pequity account and navigate to the appropriate comp cycle's Cycle Settings section.
- On the Cycle Settings page, you will be able to turn on entire Waves or specific groups within a wave. Assuming you would like to start the first wave, click Turn all on next to Wave 1.
- After selecting Turn all on, a modal will open up indicating which groups are included in that Wave and for whom planning will be turned on.
- Once confirming you would like to turn on the Wave by selecting Turn on, you will be prompted with a modal asking if you would like to notify the planners in those groups. If so, select Send, otherwise Don't send.
- If you choose to send an email, planners will receive an email from the Pequity app letting them know it is their time to plan and which groups they should be planning for, along with a convenient link to take them right to the cycle.
And that's it! Your planners are ready to rock and roll! Continue to repeat this process for as many waves as your cycle is set up to support. Happy planning!
💠Want to learn more about turning on specific groups within a wave? Refer to our help article here.