If you are a company that is currently using Pequity's Offers product and you leverage equity units as part of your compensation package, it is likely that you will need to update your company's price per share, so that the proper total equity value populates for your recruiters when they are drafting offers.
The price per share in Pequity influences the equity $ value that shows in the Offers compensation table. It operates as a multiplication value; so whatever you list as the price per share will multiply against the number of units to calculate the value. So if you have 5 units and you enter a price of 5, it will calcualte a $25 total grant (5x5=25).
As company admin, you can change the price per share for different locations when needed. This allows you to even have different price per shares for international locations to match any necessary currency conversions. The table below shows the calculation and where the currency symbol will show up. Currency symbols are also able to be configured for equity independent of salary.
Here’s how to change your price per share:
1. Click on Settings on the lower left of your Pequity dashboard.
2. Once in the Setting page, click on Job Architecture. You will then see listed items under columns such as Job Family Group, Job Family, Countries, etc.
3. Select the Countries header and the list of your countries will appear with the unit value populated on the right hand side. If you click on the country name, a pop-up will appear where you can edit both the country name and RSU value.
Make sure to select Save after making the updates needed. This RSU value will now be utilized for the currency calculation in the compensation table for the appropriate country.
That’s it! You’ve successfully edited the unit value.
💡 Please note: Updating the RSU value in your company settings will not update the corresponding equity ranges in the Ranges tab or the equity ranges referenced in the compensation table. These values are static. To update your equity ranges, please reach out to Pequity support for assistance.
If you’re encountering any issues with this action, connect with us by clicking Need Help in Pequity or emailing us at support@getpequity.com.