Looking for a specific John in your list? Here are two ways on how you can narrow down your search:
- Use quotation marks in the global search bar
- When you enter in a value in the global search bar, it surfaces matches against all possible searchable fields in the cycle. For example, if you type in John in the search bar, all searchable fields with the value "John" will display.
- However, you may drill down by using quotation marks in the search bar. Try typing in the employee's full name and enclosing it in quotation marks (i.e "John Nolan") and this will return the exact search.
- Once you're done, you can click on "Clear all filters" to get back to your original view.
- When you enter in a value in the global search bar, it surfaces matches against all possible searchable fields in the cycle. For example, if you type in John in the search bar, all searchable fields with the value "John" will display.
- Use the search bar in the employee name field
- Head over to the Employee Name column and click on the filter icon
- Here, you will see a search bar underneath the sorting functionality. Type in the employee's name and click on the box next to it and hit "OK". This will allow you to display that specific employee only.
- Don't forget to click on "Clear all filters" to return to your original view.